Friday, October 21, 2016

Made Well by Jenny Simmons

Perhaps you've prayed for healing. Maybe you have waited for God to do something flashy, something unusual. God is quietly at work behind the scenes, Simmons says. “Healing happens when we entrust ourselves to God's care and become aware of the miraculous ways He is at work in our midst, binding the wounds.” (32)

Simmons shares her own experiences of how God has healed her in a variety of ways. She is very honest in her need for healing, such as the anxiety she experienced for years. She tells stories of God healing others, too.

We can receive several lessons from Simmons' book. First, “Write the memories down.” (150) These stories form the history of your healing process. They can be shared with others time and time again. Second, healing might very well come in unexpected ways. Therefore, “...we have to be willing to hold on to our plans loosely and follow unexpected paths.” (151) And that leads to another lesson: healing takes time and effort. “If it is your intention to be made well, you must put in the hard work of healing...” (161)

Reading this book will give you a very good sense of all that your healing might entail. Simmons has included stories that range from serendipitous events to the experience of intense counseling and therapy. I came away knowing how important it is that I pay attention to all of daily life, seeing how God is working every day. That includes paying attention to painful moments and even those moments when I really don't understand what is going on.

I recommend this book to career age or younger who want to be able to see how God might be working in their own lives and the lives of others.

You can find out more about the book and watch the book trailer at

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Jenny Simmons is a sought after musician and speaker. She has a devoted followers of her blog at She was the lead singer of the band Addison Road. She traveled the country, performing alongside her husband, for over a decade. They live in Nashville, Tennessee and have one daughter.

Baker Books, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments re an independent and honest review.

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