Thursday, November 17, 2016

Finding Margo by Jen Turano

I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. Turano has given us great characters in an engaging plot with good scenes of suspense and even some romance.

I really like Margo Hartman. She's an international pop music star. She has just come off a grueling tour and is ready for a rest. Her overbearing mother has other plans involving interviews and an international tour. Margo does a daring and desperate act. She gets in her Mini Cooper and takes off on a road trip. She needs time away from her super stardom.

A week later Margo is driving through rural Ohio when a duck hits her windshield and falls through the sun roof. After she calms down, she drives to the nearest town looking for a vet. Margo finds the vet and meets deputy sheriff Brock Moore. He's taken time away from his work at the FBI and arranged this sheriff work so he can investigate the recent death of his sister.

Margo's adventures have just begun. She is happy to find that no one in this town knows who she is. Not even the handsome deputy sheriff. But people do seem to think she looks like one of the young Amish women living nearby. Brock and Margo go to the Amish farm the vet says the duck belongs. But when they arrive, Margo's life is in danger and Brock realizes there is more mystery surrounding this woman than he thought.

Margo and Brock are great characters. Their conversations are snappy, full of wit and laced with humor. Margo gets herself into all kinds of situations that were a delight to read about. While I am not a fan of the over worked Amish theme, I enjoyed it here as a complementary part of the plot.

I recommend this novel as one with well crafted characters and a good plot. It has refreshing scenes of humor throughout. There is a decent mystery involved too. It contains all the elements I like in an entertaining novel.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can find links to other reviews and read a guest post from the author here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Jen Turano is a USA Today bestselling author writing contemporary and historical romances with quirky characters and unusual story lines. She and her husband are empty-nesters and live just outside of Denver, Colorado. You can find out more at

Gilead Publishing, 320 pages. You can buy a copy here.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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