Sunday, November 20, 2016

Remember and Return by John MacArthur

Love for the Lord Jesus is the defining reality in the life of every true Christian,” MacArthur writes. (8) But what can we do when the fire of that love grows cold? MacArthur has written a thirty-one day series of devotionals aimed at reigniting that love and keeping it growing.

MacArthur reminds us what we have in Christ and what He has done for us. He takes us through several passages, exploring Greek terms and giving us a great deal of information. He also includes a Daily Challenge at the end of each reading.

MacArthur writes in a somewhat academic way. He writes from a framework of knowledge rather than passion. His style is one of instruction. He does not use any personal stories as illustrations or encouragement. (He does tell a few stories similar to sermon illustrations.) Rather than drawing us back to a passion for Jesus, he tells what we ought to be doing. A good example is the Daily Challenge of Day 5. He writes about our ultimate purpose of worshiping God and our reward in heaven. “That was 'the goal' Paul strived for in this life,” MacArthur writes, “and it certainly ought to be the focus of those who would return to their first love.” (39) I would have rather read an encouragement written with passion for the Daily Challenge.

I recommend this book to those who respond well to devotions written with intellectual rigor rather than personal passion. This book is a very good reminder of who Christ is and all He has done for believers. Reading this book will increase your knowledge of what Christ has done for you, or remind you of it. You will better understand what Christ has accomplished for you. I am just not so sure it will reignite love for Christ, unless that love arises out of increased knowledge and understanding. This would make a good book to read leading up to Easter.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

John MacArthur is a popular author and conference speaker. He has served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church since 1969. He has a daily media ministry, Grace to You. He is president of The Master's College and has written hundreds of books and study guides.

Baker Books, 216 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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