Saturday, November 26, 2016

Spoken From the Heart: Embracing the Adventure by Cheri Swalwell

Swalwell continues her collection of devotions with stories centering on her embracing the adventure of following after God in the beginning of 2015. She shares insights from sermons she has heard, books she has read, words from God during fasts, and her own personal experiences.

Every fall Swalwell asks God for a word upon which to concentrate for the coming year. For 2015 it was hope. She shares lessons she gleaned during the fall and winter of 2014-2015. Some of the lessons include:
  • that our focus needs to change from an earthly perspective to a heavenly one
  • we are to fully embrace the moment while continuing to have hope for God's planned future
  • we can choose peace instead of worry
  • we can understand God's purpose in trials, trusting Him
  • we can invite God into our mess
  • we are to recognize the privilege of being part of God's plan

Swalwell's book is a good example of how we can learn about God and His plan for us through our daily experiences. I did find some repetition in the experiences covered, such as losing her employment as of February of 2015. Nevertheless, this collection of 33 devotions is a good one.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Cheri Swalwell is a Christ follower who enjoys her calling as a wife, mother, and writer. She writes regularly for Book Fun Magazine and Life to the Fullest. She also contributed to the book, 31 Devotions for Writers. Her book Hope During Heartache as well as her Spoken From the Heart series are available in both ebook and paperback. You can follow her blog and like her on Facebook.

Spoken From the Heart, 90 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through The Book Club Network. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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