Saturday, December 31, 2016

Full by Asheritah Ciuciu

I have read a ton of books on dieting. I've even read a number that drew my attention to the spiritual aspect of being overweight. But I have never read a book that identifies the core issue with such clarity as this one. And I have never read a book that has offered such practical suggestions to help me with that spiritual issue.

Ciuciu is blunt. Food cravings are meant to turn us to God, not a diet book. We don't need another diet. We need the Holy Spirit. She lets us know that food will never satisfy us. We are to find our satisfaction in God. Looking for satisfaction elsewhere is idolatry, a spiritual war we are in. “Satan will use whatever tool he can to distract people from seeking satisfaction in God...”

I've heard that before but what impressed me here is that Ciuciu goes to great lengths to explain how to stir up a hunger for God. It takes time and work and includes prayer and action. We must be continually resetting our minds toward God. She shares her own experiences and struggles and that section alone is worth reading the book.

In addition to practical spiritual help, Ciuciu also gives practical help in taming the role of food in our lives. She writes about triggers, for example, and how they are designed to turn us to God.

This book is, by far, about finding our satisfaction in God. “Idolatry is … believing God is not enough and that I need something other than Him to be satisfied.” “If all our needs are met in God, if He becomes our satisfaction every morning...” we will not look for satisfaction in food.

This is a hard hitting book yet is filled with compassion and practical help. Ciuciu has added a Digest the Truth section after each chapter with questions for individual or group use. I highly recommend this book to anyone willing to face the spiritual reality about food obsession.

You can find out more about the book and read comments by others at

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Asheritah Ciuciu is an author, speaker and blogger. She was born in Athens and grew up as a missionary kid in Romania. She has an English degree from Cedarville University. She is married, has two children, and lives in northeast Ohio. You can find out more about her, follow her blog, and sign up for a free course at

Moody Publishers, 256 pages, This book releases January 3, 2017.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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