Monday, December 26, 2016

GodRunner by Will Hart

Hart shares his own stories of ministry and encourages us to let the Holy Spirit minister through us as well.

Becoming the man he is today was a process. Hart tells of his encounter with the Holy Spirit, his travels and the miraculous events he has experienced. He explains the anointing of the Holy Spirit and transferring it from one person to another. He encourages us to be obedient to the Holy Spirit's call. He reminds us that it will be outside of our comfort zone. God will provide what we need for the ministry. We are not to try to make sense of it. Just be a fearless risk-taker.

Hart's life is a great example for us. He has had no special educations, no formal training. He is just passionate about the things of the kingdom and has been used mightily by God. His example shows us that we do not have to be in some remote location to be used of God. If we are listening to the Spirit, we can be used by God in the local hardware store.

Hart is the COO of Iris Global, the ministry of Rolland and Heidi Baker. They chose him for that position because they saw his passion and tenacious spirit when it comes to things of God. You'll be encouraged by this book as you read how God has worked through Hart, knowing that God is ready to work through you too.

Food for thought: “You were created to be loved by Him. Therefore, you worship Him; you give love back to Him. Then you freely give it away to others. You keep His love flowing.” (122)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Will Hart has traveled in the jungles of the Congo and the streets of Thailand. He has ministered in conferences across the U.S. He always expects the Holy Spirit to show up in power. He traveled three years with Randy Clark and then moved, with his wife, to Mozambique to minister with the Bakers. After returning to the U.S., he ministered closely with Randy Clark's Global Awakening. In 2016, be became COO of Iris Global. He and his wife have three children and live in Glendale, California.

Whitaker House, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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