Saturday, December 24, 2016

Reflections With God by Linda Seger

It is a hard time when people of faith are waiting for healing. Seger has had that experience and shares here insights she has gained. She was diagnosed with cervical dystonia, a movement disorder where the brain sends the wrong message to a muscle.

Seger decided not to go with the Botox shots every three months for the rest of her life. She tried alternatives but they did not work. Then she found a chiropractic neurologist who had had some success in treating people with this condition. It's been seven years and there has been some improvement. She's been doing two to four hours of therapy every day all those years. Then, in 2015, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now she is working with diet and supplements to reduce the chance of recurrence.

Seger shares her spiritual thoughts from her journey to health. These are universal spiritual principles for people dealing with with an illness that may or may not be healed. Some lessons she learned include realizing that the most important thing was not her healing but whether she loved God. She also learned to surrender and that it was not the same as resignation. She found that her illness brought her to a greater understanding of God and caused her to expand her relationship with Him. She also gained insights into listening to God, being willing to allow the Holy Spirit to work in her alongside her own efforts at healing.

Conservative evangelical Christians may have difficulty with Seger's spiritual generalizations. Her aim is to make her insights available to people of all faiths. For example, when she suggests we need a person with wisdom to help us, she suggests it could be a religious figure such as Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed or a saint.

Seger has given us a thoughtful book on the spiritual aspects of waiting for healing. It is designed to be an encouragement to all people of faith.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Linda Seger is a seminary graduate with degrees in Theology and Drama. She is a member of Colorado Springs Friends Meeting (Quakers) and lives in the Rocky Mountains near Colorado Springs with her husband.

Clovercroft Publishing, 144 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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