Friday, December 23, 2016

War on Fear by John Morgan with Joel Balin

Morgan wrote this book to rile us up, to get us angry at the fear that robs us everyday.

He shares how he overcame the fears that that paralyzed him, confronting the fearful thoughts and replacing them with truth-based thought. He wrote Scripture passages and encouraging truths on index cards, sticky notes, etc. He placed them where he would have regular access to their messages.

He reminds us that we can train our minds to recognize fear thoughts and stop them before they rob us. We can strengthen our decision making process too. Being prepared for the mental battle is so very important in being obedient to God.

Morgan tells lots of stories, lots. He is a good story teller, giving us examples of opportunities missed and victories won. He has a great sense of humor that comes through too. Morgan is a George W. Bush impersonator and has lots of stories to tell.

I recommend this book to readers who are looking for teaching by example, through stories. Whether it is fear of people, of public speaking, of reaching out – whatever the fear, Morgan has good stories of encouragement included. There is a good presentation of the gospel too.

My rating: 4/5 stars

John Morgan is a George W. Bush impersonator, comedian, actor, and inspirational speaker. He was born and raised in Orlando, where he, his wife and their four sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren still live. You can find out more, follow him on social media, and watch videos at
Joel Balin is the author of The Spirit, Soul and Body of Worship. He has written for WORD and ZionSong music publishers and was part of the founding board of Third Day. He is currently associate pastor of Cobb Vineyard Church near Atlanta, Georgia.

Creation House, 140 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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