Sunday, January 8, 2017

Restoring Love by Jennifer Slattery

Slattery has crafted a heart tugging novel that invites us into the very real world of Christians struggling to live out their Christian lives.

The main character is Angela, a recent Christian with a dark past. She had been down and out, the result of a number of poor choices. With the help of her godly daughter and son-in-law, Angela managed to finish her degree and was looking forward to a belated career in education.

Angela is a great character study, a new Christian without much knowledge about living in her new Christian environment. Most startling were her clothes. Angela wore her old clothes until she finally figured out they were no longer appropriate for a woman her age nor for her work.

Angela encounters the troubled family across the street. Bianca and her children are trying to make do with less than enough money to live on. I liked how Angela tentatively reached out to the family. There is a lesson there for us all.

Angela also encounters a man, the source of the bit of romance in the novel. While a committed Christian, he also has his problems. Like Angela, Mitch is a well crafted character, a Christian with problems from his past that must be worked out today.

The only aspect of the novel I thought was less than what I expected was the end. Relationships and living conditions were suddenly fixed without going through the messy work necessary for such a resolution.

I recommend this novel to readers who enjoy a character driven novel, concentrating on character growth. You'll be reminded of those who may live across the street from you, desperately needing the gospel wrapped in a helping hand.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Jennifer Slattery is the author of several inspirational contemporary novels and the founder of Wholly Loved Ministries. She writes Christian Living articles for and devotions for her blog, and Internet Cafe Devotions. She oversees the social media aspect of Takin' It To The Streets, a ministry to the working poor and homeless of Omaha.

New Hope Publishers, 324 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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