Monday, January 30, 2017

The Gift of Jesus

This devotional has been written by 51 men, Southern Baptist ministers and leaders. There are six devotions for each week, all six written by the same man. They are identified as Monday, Week 1, etc., so the book can be started any time. A relevant verse is provided before the devotion and a prayer after.

The devotions center on being faithful in our Christian walk. The topics vary but are a good mix between encouragement and challenge. There are devotions on the workplace, the leading of the Holy Spirit, responding to trials, struggling with alcohol, understanding the character of God, showing respect for spiritual leaders, the falseness of the prosperity gospel, parenting, and much more. The depth of the devotions vary from asking the reader to follow Jesus (153) to the struggle of faith when God seems absent (158).

As is often the case in books written by a variety of authors, there is inconsistency in the quality and impact of the devotions. Some were really challenging while others were rather ho-hum. Overall, however, I did appreciate them.

I would recommend this book to men, since the devotions were written by men. The illustrations of riding dirt bikes and sons playing football would seem to appeal mostly to men. There are no surprises in these devotionals, just good solid teaching.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Johnny Hunt, General Editor, is the former president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Thomas Nelson, 336 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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