Thursday, January 19, 2017

Your Miraculous Potential by Wayne Chaney

Chaney challenges readers by asking if we are good representatives of the kingdom of God. He suggests we might be living beneath our spiritual potential. He wants us to release the power of God in our lives.

He emphasizes the importance of hearing from God and responding in faith. We will see the miraculous, he says, in ways that are pleasing to God. It starts with having a passion to know God and His ways. He helps us understand hindrances, how to place ourselves in the right position, and how to recognize God's voice.

Chaney illustrates his teaching with stories from his own life, others he knows, and from the Bible. I really appreciated his own stories. He is very honest and shares a story of when he was sure he heard from God, followed through, and … nothing. Nonetheless, he encourages us to keep our ear to God, remain sensitive to His leading, and respond when He speaks.

I found it interesting that Chaney distinguished supernatural works not birthed out of an intimate fellowship with God and those authored by God. That might explain some of the craziness that has come out of the Charismatic movement.

This is a good book for Charismatic Christians about learning to hear the voice of God and then responding. Chaney gives good general instruction on the different ways God speaks and how we can position ourselves so that we are not hindered from hearing God.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Wayne Chaney pastors Antioch Church of Long Beach, California. He and his wife are cast members of Oxygen Network's television series, Preachers of L.A. Chaney has also appeared on several other television shows. He has a radio talk show on Sunday mornings and has served on many boards, task forces, and committees. He is married and has three children. You can find out more at

Whitaker House, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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