Saturday, February 11, 2017

A Harmony for Steve by Hallee Bridgeman

Bridgeman does not avoid serious issues in her novels. Here she tackles spiritual warfare, addiction, and a successful Christian artist “crossing over.”

Harmony is a successful Christian pop artist who has been seeing her music climb the charts in the secular market. She has purposely entered into the general concert market to bring the gospel message to those who would never enter a church. Her path crosses that of Steve, the lead in a secular hard rock band branded as “satanic.” That meeting changes both of their lives.

Bridgeman has done a great job of developing a plot around Steve being impacted by the gospel while Harmony helps him as a friend. Steve struggles with his addictions as he turns his life around. Those who had been making lots of money from Steve's rock band are not happy. Spiritual warfare becomes a reality when Harmony's life is threatened.

I felt the depiction of those in the Christian spotlight was well done. Some on Harmony's management team dislike her moving into the secular pop market, causing tension. Steve's transformation was well done and shows how hard it came be for one to leave that kind of life style. There is a good amount of suspense in the novel as Harmony is in danger from those who hate Steve's change and want to destroy him and all he cares for.

I recommend this novel to those who appreciate real characters in real life situations. Some of those situations include satanic actions. There is a great message of redemption in the novel, however. Discussion questions are provided, as are some recipes.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Hallee Bridgeman is a bestselling author of Christian romantic suspense with more than a half million in sales. She lives in central Kentucky. You can find out more at

Olivia Kimbrell Press, 334 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this novel from the author through BookCrash. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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