Thursday, February 2, 2017

At Your Request by Jen Turano

If you've never had the pleasure of reading a Turano novel, this one is a good place to start. It is a free prequel to a new series and is a good example of Turano's entertaining writing style.

I usually find that romance novellas have feelings that develop too quickly. Turano has solved that problem by designing the plot as a reunion. Wilhelmina and Edgar had grown up the best of friends. Because of an embarrassing situation at her coming out ball, they haven't seen each other for years. When she sees him unexpectedly, she knows she has never stopped loving him. But does he still love her?

While restoring the romance is an enjoyable aspect of this novella, my favorite aspect of all of Turano's work is her humor. There are laugh out loud parts in this novella. In addition, the characters are well drawn and the dialog is snappy. There are a couple of moral lessons included too. All in all, an enjoyable read, setting us up for the full length novel soon to come.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Jen Turano is a bestselling author known for her humor and quirky characters. She lives outside of Denver, Colorado. You can find more at

Bethany House, 105 pages (although the last quarter of the book contains the first chapters of the upcoming novel). You can “buy” the novella here.

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