Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Attend by Laura Davis Werezak

Werezak came to a point where she longed for a connection with God. Her regular practice of study, prayer, and worship were not working any more. At a low place, she began to see things from a different perspective. She realized God wanted her to turn her face to him in full attention. She started having experiences that broke down her ideas of who God should be and how faith works. She began discovering God in new places and new people.

Werezak shares what she has learned and encourages us to discover for ourselves how God can show up in unexpected places. She provides 40 readings to help us as our “soul's muscles ache to be stretched toward God...” (10)

We are given a wide variety of suggestions of deeds and practices to help us pay attention to God's presence in the world. They range from planting seeds to practicing the Daily Examen. We might go for a walk. “Walking can create a space and time to attend to God.” (76) We might read a spiritual classic, watch a sunset, or pray the Jesus Prayer. These are ideas aimed at interrupting the harried pace of our lives. By doing so, we give place for God. My favorite suggestion was journaling. As Werezak explains, “I write to take refuge in God.” (187)

Werezak is an Anglican and some of the practices, such as praying with beads, may be foreign. Also, referring to God, though only once, as “Mother-gentle God” may surprise some. Nonetheless, I found the ideas Werezak suggests are good ones. They help change up our lives, relax a little, experience peace, show love, and more, as we recognize God's presence.

I recommend this book to readers who are open to new practices to help them pay attention to God. Werezak mentions many additional resources, such as books, so if you wanted to pursue some of the practices more deeply, that could be done.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Laura Davis Werezak received her MCS in Christianity and the Arts from Regent College in 2011. She is married to Clint, an Anglican minister, and they live in New York City with their two young daughters.

FaithWords, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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