Monday, February 20, 2017

Control Girl by Shannon Popkin

Free Kindle Download February 20.
Don't we want to be in control and have our life our way? Popkin did. Then she started studying control girls in the Bible. She found warnings and lessons and shares them in this book. She points out that one theme runs through all the stories – surrender. “God never intended for us to carry around the burden of trying to control everything,” she writes. (15)

I really like how Popkin challenges us. We say God is in control, but do we really believe it? Do we really think we are in control? Ouch.

I really like Popkin's honesty. She shares her experience of the intoxicating sense of power in controlling others (such as her kids). She reminds us how difficult it is to let go of control. It is much, much more than just recognizing the issue. Relinquishing control and trusting God takes determination.

Her lessons from women in the Bible include one on Hagar to explore what we can do when someone is controlling us. She also has a lesson on Leah, when we are rejected and unloved. Popkin adds illustrations from her own life as she helps us understand the principles in dealing with control.

It would be a good idea to grab a journal and have it near when reading this book. There are questions at the end of the chapters for reflection. There are several lessons on each woman studied so this would make a good book for a women's study. There could be some good discussion on concepts like fear, comparing, leadership, anger, and much more.

I recommend this book to those who are ready to let go of their “small-minded plans and purposes” and embrace “God's plans and his bigger, more thrilling story line.” (206)

Food for thought: “Jesus invites us to follow him in a path of surrender to a place where God is in control and we are free.” (15)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Shannon Popkin is a wife and mom, a speaker and teacher, and a leader of small group studies. She has been published in several magazines. She is a contributing blogger for the True Woman blog at and has blogged for several years at This is her first book.

Kregel 216 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an honest and independent review.

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