Saturday, February 25, 2017

Cosmic Initiative by Jack R. Taylor

Taylor begins with the all encompassing truth: the reality and centrality of God's Kingdom. “When we develop a kingdom mind-set, we comprehend God's ultimate purpose for humanity.” (28) He explores what the Kingdom is. “The Kingdom of God is the eternal rule of God over everything and everybody, everywhere, for all time and eternity.” (34) He calls God's purpose and plans for the Kingdom on earth God's cosmic initiative.

I appreciate that Taylor shares his own experiences, eighty plus years. He has a realistic understanding of the Kingdom, that it includes weakness and suffering, for example.

I like that he reminds us the Kingdom is a mystery, spiritual, eternal, and invisible. We must stop trying to figure it all out – stop trying to understand it all. We need to receive the Kingdom as an act of faith. He helps us understand how to align our lives to the Kingdom and how to prepare for the coming awakening.

I appreciate Taylor's teaching on the end times. He is beyond trying to figure out eschatology. He wants us to be busy advancing the Kingdom, not trying to discover the details and times of future events.

I recommend this book to those who want to align their lives to God's purpose, to the Kingdom. You will learn about the dynamics of the Kingdom and how to have a Kingdom mind-set.

Food for thought: “It is time for us to commit the remainder of our lives to the priority of earnestly seeking and finding God's Kingdom and His righteousness.” (163)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Jack R. Taylor has been in ministry for more than sixty-five years. He believes his best years are yet to come. He attended Hardin-Simmons University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, graduating with an M.Div. He pastored Castle Hills First Baptist Church in San Antonio for nearly seventeen years. He resigned as pastor in 1974 to pursue itinerant ministry, and for more than forty years has served as president of Dimensions Ministries, headquartered in Melbourne, Florida.

Whitaker House, 272 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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