Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Life After E.L.E. by JC Morrows GIVEAWAY

Click here to purchase your copy. 

About the Book:

Extinction Level Event: An event where all species on the planet can become extinct.
If you manage to survive . . . What then?
When a rogue moon was discovered on a collision course with the Earth, we thought we had a solid plan.
To survive. . . to rebuild. . . to go on.
30 Years later… those who managed to survive, emerged from the caves to find a frozen world.
A world where rule number one in the compound is to be inside the gates before sunset. . . or die.
Eve watched the gates close – with her father on the outside – so that should be the easiest thing in the world for her to remember.
But life is not always simple.
Life does not always go as planned.
Now Eve is in a race against time, discovery, and danger around every corner – to find a truth that has been hidden. . . for years.
A truth Eve’s father died to protect her from.

My review:

I really liked this teen novel. Eve is part of a community living in huge caves after a catastrophic event 45 years ago changed the climate. She has not been chosen for her training and future work as others her age have been. She feels she has not found her place and does not fit in. I think every teen can identify at some time with her feelings.

There is some mystery in the novel. People go outside the doors of the caves to hunt and other activities and once Eve's father did not make it back in time to get in before the gates closed. Eve wonders why that happened. Is he dead? Some of the teens in Eve's hunting group are savagely attacked? Who is doing that and why?

I think teens would like this novel. There are issues teens face, secrets leaders are keeping, some romance, and some adventure. The writing is well done and the characters are well crafted. There is a discussion guide at the end which would make this book a good one for a teen reading group.

We are left in a tense situation at the end of this novel. I'll be looking for the sequel.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

 JC Morrows – author of the Bestselling Young Adult Dystopian series: Order of the MoonStone and the NEW Frozen Earth series (Post-Apocalyptic with a Dystopian edge) – spends her days writing, arguing with her evil computer, juggling two kids, and wishing someone would invent a coffee IV.

A storyteller in the truest sense of the word, JC has been telling stories in one form or another her entire life and once her mother convinced her to write them down, she simply couldn’t stop.

And… as a true believer, she gives God all of the glory for her talent and ability!

“And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” Habakkuk 2:2

Guest Post from JC Marrows

Life After E.L.E. is one of those stories that I never saw coming. A lot of people might even say it was never meant to be. . .  

But GOD had other plans!  

It was one of those spur-of-the-moment ideas… the kind that usually doesn’t amount to much for me. Over the last twenty years I have started hundreds – yes, you read that right – of stories on the spur-of-the-moment. Until 2011, none of them amounted to anything more than a few chapters. In 2013, I was working on an entirely different series – the first I’d had any measure of true success with – when my mother challenged me to participate in NaNoWriMo [National Novel Writing Month – where you write 50,000 words in 30 days].  

I sat down on November 1st with absolutely nothing on the page and only a vague idea of what I wanted to write about. And, to be perfectly honest, I didn’t expect much. I did not expect to reach the goal and I certainly never expected that the book would be published three years later (albeit after quite a bit of editing and rewriting)  

What’s more is that there is more to this story.  

Last November, one of the stops on Marissa Meyer’s Heartless tour was Nashville, and of course my daughter and I had to go see her… and buy her new book! While there, I gave Marissa an early copy of Life After E.L.E. after thanking her for being such an inspiration to me.  

Not only did she seem genuinely excited – she made a point to have me autograph it! (cue absolute and utter shock – followed by inner Happy Dancing)!  

Why so excited you ask? Well… there are some authors who think you’re not a ”real” author when you write your story during NaNoWriMo and knowing Marissa’s story was about the only thing that kept me going that year. You can’t get much more REAL than New York Times Bestseller – which Marissa hit with her very first book. She was a tremendous inspiration to me then – and continues to be now. I am truly blessed to have met her!  

And I count myself truly blessed that the right people enjoy the story enough that it has been published. I look forward to sharing part two with readers at the end of this year. And then I have another story to get out there!

Blog Stops

March 8: Reading Is My SuperPower (Author interview)
March 8: Mary Hake
March 9: Just Jo’Anne
March 11: Bigreadersite

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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