Thursday, February 16, 2017

Moving Target by Lynette Eason

This is the third in a series but reads well on its own. The plot centers on Maddy, another of the Elite Guardians, and Quinn, a police detective. The two are kidnapped by a serial killer. Maddy and Quinn are transported to a remote island and must elude the hunter to stay alive.

We learn a great deal about Maddy and Quinn and the past mistakes and hurts they must overcome. Eason does a good job of interspersing personal revelation with suspense so the plot does not slow down. The plot has some twists to it. There are some characters who had changed their names from a previous investigation involving Quinn and I found that a bit confusing.

One of my requirements for an excellent suspense novel is that the main characters do nothing dumb to get themselves into a suspenseful situation. Unfortunately, Maddy does do something dumb that puts her in harms way, more than once.

Other than that defect, this is a very good suspense novel. There is a relatively strong Christian message, a good bit of suspense, some character transformation, and a bit of romance.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Lynette Eason is a bestselling and award winning author of several novels of suspense. She has a degree in business and a masters in education. She is married to a ministry leader and they have two teenage children. You can find out more at

Revell, 336 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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