Sunday, February 26, 2017

Summer on Sunset Ridge by Sharlene MacLaren

MacLaren has centered her Christian historical romance around the Quaker faith. That is a welcome change from the saturated Amish genre.

Rebecca's parents, Quaker farmers, have found a husband for her. The only problem is, she has absolutely no feelings for him. When she crosses paths with sheriff Clay pursuing escaped slaves, her life changes a great deal. She knows she could never marry except for love.

MacLaren has crafted the typical romance plot well. There are lots of obstacles to a possible romance between Rebecca and Clay. Wounded, he has had a blow to the head and is suffering from amnesia. When he mumbles a woman's name, Rebecca is sure he is married. She's engaged and if that was not trouble enough, Clay is not a Quaker. It looks hopeless.

I like novels where I learn something while I am being entertained. I learned a bit about the Quakers and some about the underground railroad and how slaves were helped to move along as they escaped to the north.

There are some good issues to think about from this novel. One is arranged marriages, something many in the world experience. Does one learn to love the other, do the feelings come, or is one doomed to a loveless marriage?

There is a great salvation message in this novel. It fits right in as it comes through the experiences of one of the characters.

I recommend this novel for those who enjoy a good historical romance with a strong Christian message.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Sharlene MacLaren was born and raised in Michigan, taught grade school, married, raised two daughters, and retired from teaching in 2003. She dabbled in writing and signed a contract for her first novel in 2006. She has now had more than sixteen novels published. She and her husband live in Spring Lake, Michigan.

Whitaker House, 318 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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