Saturday, March 11, 2017

Eyes Wide Open by Isaac Lidsky

This book is a personal story more than it is a self help book. Lidsky writes, “The strong man leads by example and teaches by sharing his experiences.” (931/3153) I think this is what he has attempted in this book. He shares personal accounts of his fears and overcoming them. He writes about his self limiting assumptions and how he overcame them.

The book was not what I had anticipated. He initially wrote that he was going to help readers know how to view challenges as well as face struggles. He lets us know how he did it but did not offer any practical instruction on how we are to do it. He said he would help us evaluate goals and achievements but I did not see any organized suggestions as to how to do that either.

Most of the book is about him. He is a talented man who has learned how to manage his life well while being blind. He has certainly embraced life. This would be a good book for readers who are inspired by the successes of another person. Perhaps others will be inspired by reading about how Lidsky's father got them into super bowl games by bribing, counterfeiting, etc. I just wondered why he included that section in this book. His story about the birth of their triplets was a good one. I wish there had been some practical instruction along with it.

His is an inspiring story. Lidsky may truly think that he teaches by sharing his experiences. I would have preferred a more organized motivational instruction.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

Isaac Lidsky graduated from Harvard at nineteen and later Harvard Law School. He was a law clerk for the Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O'Conner and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. He started a tech company and turned a construction company into profitability. He was born with retinitis pigmentosa and gradually lost his sight. He and his wife live in Florida with their four children. You can find out more at

Tarcher Perigee, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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