Wednesday, March 29, 2017

No Limits by John C. Maxwell

I have enjoyed reading many of Maxwell's books but I think this might be his best one yet. Maxwell is a leadership guru but this book covers much more than leadership. There are so many great lessons in this book I think just about anyone could benefit from reading it.

I was surprised he started this book with self awareness but he notes that it is most often a lack of self awareness that prevents a person from moving forward rather than lack of desire. Knowing myself is necessary before I can move forward.

The book contains all kinds of encouraging material. He provides practical ways to maximize my energy, such as figuring out what energizes me and what exhausts me. I learned about controlling thoughts in the section on increasing my emotional capacity. I discovered the importance of writing in increasing my thinking ability. Maxwell gives practical suggestions in many other areas, like creativity, production, leadership, and being with people. He gives examples from his own life to illustrate the self awareness process. He provides questions for reflection at the end of each chapter too.

The book is lots more than just discovery. Maxwell has included great teaching in many areas of character development, such as writing about discipline. Maxwell reminds us that it is all about choices. The responsibility is ours to choose to move forward. He can give loads of practical ideas but we still have to choose to do them. He encourages us to have a good attitude and advises becoming humble and teachable.

I highly recommend this book to those who are ready to get out of their comfort zone and move forward, becoming more of who God created you to be. You will find practical encouragement and realistic instruction. Maxwell has continued to learn and grow over his career and is book is a result of decades of study and experience. He wakes up excited every day and after reading this book I think you will too.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

John C. Maxwell is a New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker who has sold more than 26 million books. He has been recognized as a leadership training expert, having trained millions of leaders worldwide. You can find out more at

Center Street, 336 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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