Saturday, April 15, 2017

You Are Free by Rebekah Lyons

Scripture says we Christians are free but our everyday lives may seem anything but free. That was the case for Lyons who fought anxiety and had panic attacks. She takes us through her own journey to freedom. This is a personal account of her being healed from anxiety, finding her calling, believing and declaring she was free, thirsting for God's presence, asking God for anything, realizing God is her true home, resting, abiding, writing, grieving, being weak, celebrating, journaling, and sharing her freedom with others.

This is not a Bible study but rather a very personal account. Lyons has included thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter. The idea is that readers would read about Lyons' experience and then work though the questions with, perhaps, a similar journey to freedom. Lyons journaled and she recommends readers do the same and the questions would help stimulate thought for writing.

I found it interesting that Lyons mentions The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. Cameron recommends writing Morning Pages, three hand written pages every morning. Lyons found the discipline to be very rewarding and recommends it. I've gone through Cameron's book and also found the discipline to be very beneficial.

I recommend this book to those who respond well to personal accounts of transformation rather than a Bible study on the subject. The questions included are good ones and will yield much material for thought and writing.

You can find out more about the book and watch a video at

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Rebekah Lyons is an author, mother, and wife. She and her husband co-founded Q Ideas, a nonprofit that equips Christians to influence culture. She founded Q Women, helping women engage faith, relationships, and their community. She and her family live in Nashville. You can find out more at

Zondervan, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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