Wednesday, May 10, 2017

How to Overcome Worry by Dr. Winfred Neely

We certainly live in a time when many worry and have great anxiety, including many Christians. Neely considers worry a serious issue and has written this little book to help us overcome it.

Neely reminds us early in the book, “In the New Testament, worry is the sinful response of the human heart and mind to real difficulties and problems in life.” (29) Worry is an expression of unbelief, he says, and “...habitual worry is a trait of someone who is not in an intimate relationship with God (Matt. 6:31-32).” (30)

That really got my attention. Worry is a serious issue! Neely takes “be anxious for nothing” very seriously. But he also gives us great instruction on triumphing over worry. His suggestions are not easy actions. We must trust God, expecting His peace in the midst of problems. He reminds us of the enabling power God provides, of the necessity of taking everything to God in prayer. We must be making the choices to exercise faith and trust in God, requiring living in the power of the Spirit.

Neely has included useful Appendixes. The first is a good one on prayer while the second gives a number of Scriptures for suggested meditation. The third includes questions for individual reflection or group discussion.

This is a short but powerful book. Neely doesn't hold back in reminding us of the seriousness of the sin of worry. I am impressed with his instruction. He uses stories from his own life as illustrations.

I recommend this book to those who are willing to face their worry and begin the serious task of conquering it. You will find a great deal of help in this little book.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Winfred Neely is a professor of hermeneutics, homiletics, and pastoral studies at Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. He has served as a missionary in Senegal, West Africa, for nine years. He is also involved in a global equipping ministry. He and his wife have four adult children and nine grandchildren.

Moody Publishers, 112 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Media. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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