Monday, May 1, 2017

Local Poet by Paul Trembling

This novel is a murder mystery with a twist. Rob is carefully driving when a woman abruptly steps in front of his van. Unable to prevent the collision, the woman is killed. Rob is cleared of all responsibility but the weight of the death is heavy on him. Who was this woman and why did she choose to commit suicide this way? Knowing who she was would give the experience meaning to Rob, rather than being just a random accident. He decides to find out more about her, a search that becomes very dangerous for him.

I enjoyed this novel with an unusual plot. We know who killed the woman and how. What we don't know is why. Rob's research reveals that the victim was a relatively popular local poet. He delves into her work and that begins a transforming experience in his own life.

I liked the insights Rob gains about poetry. Poetry has been a mysterious subject for me and I think I actually understand it a bit better after having read this novel.

Another insightful issue in the novel concerns the events in our lives. The victim's grandmother comments that we do not get to write our own story. Rob did not choose to kill that woman. That part of his life's story was out of his control. How he responded and what came of his pursuit is a good lesson for readers.

I recommend this mystery to those who enjoy a mystery with a twist. There is good character development, a good mystery, and some intense suspense as well.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Paul Trembling has had a variety of careers. He has always been a storyteller.

Lion Fiction (distributed in the U.S. By Kregel), 176 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Kregel. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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