Monday, May 15, 2017

Transformed by Christy Wimber

I was attracted to this book because of the subtitle: Challenging myths about the power-filled life. I've read lots of books about the charismatic movement and the spirit filled life. Most of them seemed unrealistic, all about victory and success.

Wimber's book is honest and realistic. Finally, someone in the movement is willing to write about the tough times and the sacrifice, sweat and suffering required for spiritual maturity. I really like her honesty. “It's alright to admit that life is sometimes hard.” (23) We can admit that sometimes the path God is leading us on does not make sense.

Wimber is a pastor and I like what she writes about worship. It's not right to accommodate today's culture, she says. “We cannot influence something which we ourselves conform to.” (79) I like her emphasis on paying attention to what God values, not what we like.

Wimber is also honest about sickness, suffering and healing. I really like how she admits that we don't really understand it all. She writes about grace and about her dismay in that a healthy fear of the Lord is often absent.

I highly recommend this book to those who have been put off by the overly enthusiastic books about the spirit-filled life. You'll find here an honest look at the charismatic life. I really identified with what Wimber has written and was encouraged too.

Food for thought: “A healthy fear of the Lord empowers grace and saves the soul.” (185)
Here's more food for thought: “There are lots of ministries which work but were never God's idea.” (192)

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Christy Wimber is an author, speaker and pastor who has traveled around the world. She planted a Vineyard Church in 2006 and continues to travel, equipping the church. She and her husband live in Yorba Linda, California, and have two children.

Monarch Books, distributed in the U.S. By Kregel, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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