Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Turbulence by Alana Terry

Terry has crafted another great novel in this series for teens. Each of the novels deals with serious issues and this one is no exception. Kennedy and her roommate, Willow, are flying to Detroit, the first leg of their journey to spend Christmas with Willow's parents in Alaska. A passenger, irate over a situation in Detroit, manages to cause a situation that puts the lives of all of the passengers in danger. Kennedy is suddenly faced with her own mortality and tasks left undone with eternal consequences.

The strength of this series of novels is the issues Terry covers in the books. At first I thought the issue in this story was going to be racial profiling. It was disturbing to read how some people responded to those of different dress and language. Of greater importance was what came later in the flight. With the very real possibility of death looming, Kennedy had to face her witness, or lack of it, toward those for whom she cared. It is a sobering thought when you realize that someone you care for may go to hell because of your lack of witness.

Terry has added some great support characters in this novel. My favorite was the older woman who calls herself Grandma Lucy. She and Kennedy have a great discussion about what it means to have a relationship with the Lord. Even this senior citizen reader was impressed with the wisdom conveyed in that discussion.

This novel is another well crafted one and I highly recommend it to teen readers. Terry has provided discussion questions so this would be a wonderful choice for a teen reading group. Even though it is number five in the series, it reads very well on its own.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

You can read my reviews of the earlier books in the series: Unplanned, Paralyzed, Policed, and Straightened.

Alana Terry is a pastor's wife, homeschooling mom and award winning Christian suspense author. She and her family live in rural Alaska. You can find out more at

Firstfruits Publishing, 204 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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