Monday, June 26, 2017

Infected by Alana Terry

This is another well crafted novel in the Kennedy Stern series for teens. Besides having great characters and plot, I like how Terry always has an interesting topic as part of the novel.

In this novel, Kennedy is on break from college and will take care of Woong, the adopted son of her good friends Sandy and Carl while they take a short vacation. This happens during a deadly virus outbreak. Woong's school is closed when a teacher goes home sick. And then Sandy calls, informing Kennedy that she's taken Carl to the hospital.

In this midst of this tension are the two best aspects of the book. First is the characters. That Woong is a kick! He keep asking questions in a nearly continuous monologue. That was a great representation of an inquisitive kid. And then there is Willow, Kennedy's college roommate. She got saved in the last novel and in this one she is full of difficult questions, just like a new believer. It is great seeing her heart changing.

And that brings up the second aspect, the issue of God and healing and medicine. Willow has many questions about God and healing. Why does He heal sometimes and not other times? What about flashy preachers who promise healing (for a donation)? How are we to really pray about illness and healing? Along with this thorny question is another issue. Is it a sign of lack of faith in God to take medicine for an illness? Does a Christian have the right refuse treatment and can the government force one to take the treatment?

Like the other books in the series, Terry provides a great discussion guide with questions at various levels of thought. This would make a very good book for a teen reading group. There is a good balance of character development and suspense. I highly recommend it.

You can read my reviews of the earlier books in the series: Unplanned, Paralyzed, Policed, Straightened, and Turbulence.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Alana Terry is a pastor's wife, homeschooling mom and award winning Christian suspense author. She and her family live in rural Alaska. You can find out more at

Firstfruits Publishing, 258 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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