Thursday, June 8, 2017

Women Who Move Mountains by Sue Detweiler

I really liked this book on prayer. God wants to hear from us, Detweiler says. There is so much that can hinder us from praying so she helps us work through those mountains.

Most of the book is material to help us on that journey of learning to pray with confidence, boldness, and grace. The chapters alternate. First is the teaching, including instruction and illustrations from biblical and modern stories. The following chapter contains suggestions on how to apply the previous teaching. Scriptures to read, questions to journal and one question for discussion are all included.

The last quarter of the book is a resource section. It includes twenty one devotionals. Each has a suggestion to journal, to meditate, a short devotional, a written prayer, and a statement to declare. Next are guidelines for doing a personal spiritual retreat. Next are guidelines for fasting.

I am impressed with this book. Not only is it good teaching on prayer, it also includes practical help in moving those mountains that impede us in our prayer life and obedience to God. She writes about shames, pride, perfectionism and more. One section I really appreciated was her writing about experiencing rejection in the area to which we feel we are called. Detweiler says God will use that heaviness we feel in our hearts. She encourages us to use that sense of desperation as a driving force for prayer. Another meaningful section was on the steps she went through in her healing of sexual abuse.

I think the strength of this book is in the opportunity Detweiler gives readers to journal their responses to the questions she provides. She offers a free download of journal pages that complement the book and offer additional growth opportunities. She has also included instructions for doing a ten week study with this book.

I recommend this book to women who want to grow closer to the Lord and each other through prayer. It would be a good resource for those wanting to start a women's prayer group and for women beginning their prayer journey.

You can download the Introduction and first chapter here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Sue Detweiler is a wife, mother of six, author, and pastor with more than twenty-five years of experience in marriage, ministry, and education. She and her husband recently relocated to plant Life Bridge Church north of Dallas, commissioned as church planters with The Foursquare Church. You can find out more at

Bethany House Publishers, 256 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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