Monday, July 24, 2017

Coffee the World and Jesus by Ron DeMiglio

DeMiglio's career has been in coffee. He shares his travels and how Jesus, people, cultures, other world views have transformed his faith.

I enjoyed this book. I appreciate the many spiritual lessons DeMiglio finds in everyday events. It made me realize how much I might be missing by not paying attention to what God is saying moment by moment. I also like learning about the countries to which he traveled. We read about the plight of women in Saudi Arabia and the language of the South Koreans. His comments about mission trips to Guatemala were very enlightening.

DeMiglio's writing style is unique. He is a no nonsense kind of guy who tells it like it is. He also has a quirky sense of humor. This would be a good book for men as his writing is not super sensitive. He describes death as becoming an all-you-can-eat worm buffet. (33) And he says of a woman, “Her countenance was as warm as a drill bit.” (74) That writing style is much more suitable for men than women, I would think.

I do recommend this book to men who enjoy reading about experiences and the insights gleaned from them. You'll read about some interesting travels and get many spiritual lessons in the process.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Ron DeMiglio is former president and owner of Eko Brands, LLC. The past twenty-five years of his life have centered around coffee as he traveled the world for business. He lives in Snohomish, Washington and Phoenix, Arizona. You can find out more at

Kregel Publications, 176 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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