Thursday, July 20, 2017

Crazy About Alaska by Shannon L. Brown

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About the Book

Book title: Crazy about Alaska  

Author: Shannon L. Brown  
Release date: June 30, 2017  
Genre: Sweet Contemporary Romance  

Can she trust love? Holly has her eye on a handsome state trooper. Not on her boring, oh-so-serious, former professor, Adam. Having her toes curl when she’s near Adam must be ignored. Holly just wants a great dad for her twin girls. She’s going to find one, write a novel to fulfill her dreams, and create a happy life. Falling in love isn’t part of her plan.

My Review:

Brown has given readers a fun romance set in Alaska. The characters are not complex, nor is the plot. I appreciated Holly's plight, trying to make a living as the single parent of twins. She had been abandoned by the man she thought would be a lifelong spouse so she is hesitant to love again. Adam is an okay character put his personality is not strongly developed. He did not have any great obstacle to overcome to love. By far, my favorite characters were Holly's preschool twins. They added life to every scene they were in and I wish there had been more of them.

The typical romance plot is girl and guy fall in love. A huge obstacle appears. Girl and guy overcome obstacle to have lasting love. There were little obstacles in this novel but nothing major. In that respect, I didn't feel Holly and Adam really had to work much to achieve their love.

I liked the Alaska setting. Readers travel along by land, water, and air and get a sense of the scenery of the southern region of the state. Brown's descriptions of the area were not captivating but did give an idea of why people love to live there.

I recommend this novel to readers who enjoy a straightforward romance. You'll meet some good characters living in a beautiful state. You'll get a little drama and a little humor but mostly pure romance. This is the only book I've read in this series and think it can be easily read and enjoyed on it's own.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

Writing books that are fun and touch your heart Even though Shannon L. Brown always loved to read, she didn’t plan to be a writer. She earned two degrees from the University of Alaska, one in journalism/public communications, but didn’t become a journalist. Years passed. Shannon felt pulled into a writing life, testing her wings with a novel and moving on to articles. Shannon is now an award-winning journalist who has sold hundreds of articles to local, national, and regional publications. Shannon was born and raised in Alaska so she enjoyed writing the books in the Alaska Dream Romance series. “The Feather Chase” was her first published book and began the Crime-Solving Cousins Mystery series. The eight-to-twelve-year-olds in your life will enjoy this contemporary twist on a Nancy Drew-type mystery. Shannon lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with her professor husband and adorable calico cat.

Guest Post from Shannon Brown

Open Doors When a character opens the door and steps from her world into mine, writing about her is easier. Holly Harris in Crazy About Alaska is a real estate agent, and I was once one. I’ve driven clients around and shown them houses only to have them go a different direction. My husband and I bought a new house a few years ago, so I have tales to tell from that experience too. (Readers may think the purple shower is made up. Think again.) I chose to bring a college professor into her life as a love interest. I’m married to one. Some of myself always finds its way into a story. Sometimes, it’s just something I might like to do. Holly’s sister Jemma rehabs furniture in Falling for Alaska, book one in the series. The idea for her business came while I was watching HGTV’s Flea Market Flip. Taking trash and making it beautiful sounds like something I’d like to try. Jemma also dislikes coffee and drinks tea. (Here I am again.) But she is not exactly me. She’s cooking challenged, and I’m a good cook. Does the story become about the author when she inserts herself into it? Reality is only a fun fraction of the book. Holly has two men vying for her affections. That never happened. (It might have been fun if it had!) She also has five-year-old twins. I never experienced that. By far the most challenging of the sisters in the series was Bree in book two, Loving Alaska. She’s a doctor, and my knowledge of the medical profession comes from sitting on the exam table, not from doing the exam. I spoke with doctors I knew and brought her to life. But Bree isn’t all made up either. She despises being in nature, especially camping. I’ve camped on a frozen river, beside a lake after canoeing or boating in, and many more places, but I’m with Bree and hotels are greatly preferred. There I am in the story again. Reading the books I’ve written helps you know who I am. I’m a woman with a big imagination who enjoys bringing stories to life. Oh, and that slightly sarcastic sense of humor you may notice with Jemma and Holly? That might be from me as well.

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I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My review comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy in this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

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