Thursday, July 13, 2017

One by One by Gina Dalfonzo

Today's evangelical churches are overwhelmingly family oriented. Where does that leave singles?

Dalfonzo has written a book to help churches understand singles and create a welcoming climate for them. She reveals what the church looks and feels like to singles, sharing her own thoughts and her interviews with others. I was appalled at some of her quotes from books and preachers. No wonder singles feel awkward in a church culture that thinks singleness is a negative condition and that not being married precludes one from spiritual maturity. She also writes about the impact of the non-dating movement, the unchristian teaching about leaving a legacy, and more.

She also looks at what singles must endure in this sex saturated society. I was again appalled to learn that eighty percent of single evangelical Christians say they have had sex. I wonder if that is a result of lack and attention and support from the church.

This book is not a theological nor biblical exploration of singleness. While Dalfonzo does quote the passage around I Corinthians 7:8, she does not make a big deal about Paul later saying that singles can much better be concerned about the Lord's affairs. When was the last time you heard a sermon encouraging people to remain single so they could have undivided devotion to the Lord? (See I Cor. 7: 32-35) When was the last time singles were sought out in your church because of their unique gifts and abilities? Does your church look at singles as problems or opportunities?

Dalfonzo has some good ideas for church leaders and how they can incorporate and support singles in their congregations. This would be a good book for church leaders and board members to read. It would also be good for those sitting in the pew as Dalfonzo has many ways church members can incorporate singles into their lives and support them.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Gina Dalfonzo is the editor of (website of The Colson Center), as well as an occasional writer for BreakPoint Radio. She is the editor of Dickensblog and a columnist at Christ & Pop Culture. Her writing has been published in several print magazines.

Baker Books, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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