Friday, July 7, 2017

One Nation Without Law by Phil Hotsenpiller

Lawlessness is common. Hotsenpiller invites readers to look at this issue from God's perspective. He takes us through the roots and history of lawlessness, prophecies about lawlessness, and how we can respond to the lawlessness around us.

I really liked the first part of this book. Hotsenpiller emphasizes that Law represents a relationship with God, the Law giver. The Law was given for us to maximize our relationship with God. I like how he distinguishes periodic or inadvertently breaking the law from lawlessness. I am grateful that God is restraining lawlessness and encouraged that we are not to let evil have the last word.

Hotsenpiller has thought provoking insight into the nature of lawlessness: “lawlessness is not the action of violating the established laws of a nation; lawlessness runs much deeper and is by nature spiritual.” (Loc 578/2903) Lest Christians think too highly of themselves, Hotsenpiller says people today are living under a religious spirit. They satisfy man's laws, not discovering the deeper spirit of lawlessness toward God's Law. (Loc 587/2903) We do not love our neighbor as ourselves. Based on the Samaritan parable, these are people who do not look or talk or think like we do. Disregarding the command to love our neighbor, “We have already succumbed to the destructive spirit of lawlessness.” (Loc 625/2903)

Hotsenpiller spends much of the book looking at prophecy about the end times and lawlessness and the Antichrist. It is of the typical pre-tribulation rapture style. The last part of the book is another good section on spiritual warfare. He includes some great stories and examples. “We have been given the assignment from God to transform society with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” (Loc 2259/2903)

I recommend this book to those who want to understand what is happening in the world today, how to have hope, and what Christians can do. You may have to ask yourself some serious questions, however, about your own attitude toward God's Law.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Phil Hotsenpiller is an expert on end times prophecy, having been interviewed by a variety of media. He hosts a prophecy conference each year drawing crowds from all over the U.S. He is co-founder and senior pastor of Influence Church in Orange County, California.

Chosen Books, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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