Sunday, July 9, 2017

Remarkable Faith by Shauna Letellier

Letellier has used her imagination in a godly way to draw readers into the stories of those who encountered Jesus. We get such a small glimpse of the people in the biblical story it is easy to pass them by. Here, Letellier has imagined their feelings and their desperation for a healing touch from Jesus. I like that she quotes the actual Bible passage before her imagined retelling of it. She adds an encouraging devotion on each story as well as a closing prayer.

I really like the insights Letellier has gleaned from these stories. For example, from the story of the woman with the issue of blood, we learn that she did not wait until she was well to go to Jesus. She went to Him broken, in need, and suffering. The devotional Letellier adds is a good encouragement for people who feel there is something keeping them from approaching Jesus or other Christians.

Letellier has done lots of research to create a realistic background for her stories. For example, in the story about the woman from Tyre, we learn about the murex sea snail and the purple die it emits. We also learn much about the worship of Melqart, the god of Tyre.

These are insightful stories of people desperate for a touch from Jesus. They showed remarkable faith and are good examples for us. We too can throw off our inhibitions and come with unabashed faith to Jesus.

I recommend this book to those who desire greater insight into the stories of Jesus and those He encountered. You'll get a good taste of bringing biblical stories to life through imagination.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Shauna Letellier has written for the Huffington Post, Dayspring's (in)courage blog, and MomSense Magazine (now Hello Dearest), a publication of MOPS International. She attended Focus on the Family's Focus Leadership Institute and is a graduate of Grace University in Omaha, Nebraska, with degrees in Human Development and Family Studies and Biblical Studies. You can find out more at

FaithWords, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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