Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A Disruptive Generosity by Mac Pier

Can the wealthy make a difference in the Kingdom of God and influence the spread of the gospel? Pier believes that money can be used in the temporal realm to impact the eternal. He gives us many examples of wealthy people doing exactly that.

There are thirty one stories and Pier suggests reading one a day. He then suggests praying about how God can use us. There are points to remember at the end of each story as well as a printed prayer.

These are stories about people with great personal wealth. People like Mart Green whose father started Hobby Lobby. People like the man who sold his company for a billion dollars. People who establish foundations from their wealth. People who head multi-million dollar companies with thousands of employees. People who own sports teams.

The stories are inspiring in that it is good to know that there are people of great personal wealth who are using that wealth to advance the gospel. The stories are good examples to Christians of great personal wealth, showing how that wealth can be used to advance God's purposes in the world.

I am unclear as to the inspiration these stories might be to the rest of us, those in the middle class or lower. It is good to be reminded that generosity can be exercised at any level of wealth. It is also good to be reminded that God is using people in the business and financial worlds. We may not have the resources of the wealthy but we can use the gifts we have to expand God's Kingdom.

I recommend this book to people of wealth and influence. You will be encouraged and inspired by the stories contained within. I also recommend this book to Christians who feel called to work in the marketplace. These stories will illustrate how God has used many people in a variety of professions.

You can read an excerpt here.

My rating: 4/5 stars

Mac Pier is the founder and CEO of The New York City Leadership Center and was instrumental in founding the inaugural Movement Day conference. He also serves the Lausanne Movement as the City Catalyst. He has been a resident of New York City since 1984, living in a diverse neighborhood.

Baker Books, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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