Thursday, August 10, 2017

A God of All Seasons by T H Meyer and Amy Breitmann Giveaway

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About the Book

Book title: A God of All Seasons  
Author: TH Meyer & Amy Breitmann  
Release date: August 28, 2017  
Genre: Non-fiction

What if your spiritual life landed in the grip of a wintered soul? How does one’s faith survive?
Discover the beauty and challenge of spiritual seasons as Tammy & Amy remember parts of their stories in order to draw out your own. Learn to perceive God’s companionship even when you don’t sense His nearness. And unearth, not only a God who created the seasons, but one who also walks with you through them.”

Book Trailer Video: 

My Review:

This is a delightful little book, a combination of memoir and spiritual lessons. The authors have a great way of communicating. I appreciated their spiritual lessons from the various events and observations in their lives. They are refreshingly honest about their faults and fears.

I liked how they divided their writings to represent the seasons of the year. They observe how autumn is about surrender and letting go. Winter may contain dark days of loss and longing. Spring brings newness, healing, and resurrection. Summer is a time of resting and having a sabbatical.

The authors have also added questions at the end of each devotional writing. That makes this little book a good one to share with a good friend over a weekly cup of coffee. I recommend this book to those looking for insights on how God may be working in the seasons of your life.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Authors

After living in Asia and Europe, T.H. Meyer’s family planted roots on their Texas farm in 2008 where they live among fields of Rye and Bermuda. Tammy is a writer and creative strategist who also moonlights as a social media specialist. She’s the mother to three children and author of, A Life of Creative Purpose: Embrace Uniqueness, Explore Boldness, Encourage Faith and Social Media Strategies: Discovering Powerful Tools of the Trade without Losing Your Soul for Christian entrepreneurs maneuvering the daunting and soul-sucking world of online marketing.
Join Tammy on her website: The Art of Fear Not: An Adventurous Life of Faith
Or stay in touch with her at:
Instagram: for personal photos and thoughts from home.
Or Twitter: & find out what’s on her Twitter “Lists.”

Amy’s (Amy Breitmann) bio: Amy weaves together ministry and writing alongside her husband and two children in Augusta, GA. She is a writer, speaker, and founder of “The Lydia Project,” a national ministry for women facing cancer and is a storyteller for ViBella Jewelry, an international company that employs artisans in Haiti and Mexico. Her published works include pieces in Chicken Soup of the Soul, Mosaic: Sojourners of Faith, and Guideposts Magazine.

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To celebrate her tour, T.H. Meyer is giving away a Kindle Fire!! Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

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