Thursday, August 17, 2017

First Light by Erynn Newman

This is a rewarding short novella and is a good combination of young love and tragedy. Drew and Elizabeth meet when, as a young teen, she takes a pie to his house to welcome them to church. It is love at first sight. Short snippets of their lives in the ensuing years see their romance develop. Drew has graduated from college and is ready to spring the question when tragedy strikes his family. His faith and future is in doubt, as is his relationship with Elizabeth.

This is a short story but it was well crafted. We get a sense of the main characters even in only a few scenes. And it is a good prequel for the full length novel to come.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Erynn Newman is a pastor's kid, raised in churches all over the Eastern Seaboard. She has been creating imaginary worlds since childhood. After earning a degree in Christian Studies, she traveled the world and served as a missionary, counselor, an ESL teacher, and a nanny. She is passionate about God's glory and story telling. She is a Carolina wife and mother. You can find out more at

About 45 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this novella through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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