Saturday, August 12, 2017

Still Dead by J A Jance

This is a satisfying though very short novella. The aspect I liked the best about it was that much of it takes place on Whidbey Island. As a native, it is always fun to read of familiar places. (Yes, that is the same Deception Pass Bridge on the cover of the novella that is in my banner above.)

The plot is a good one with Beaumont retired but helping solve cold cases in a volunteer capacity. The way he and his wife, now Chief of Police for Bellingham, solve the case is interesting. This novella is a good continuation of the Beaumont series as it explores his current thoughts and feelings, especially about dogs.

The last quarter of this novella is a sneak preview of the coming full length novel featuring Beaumont.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

J A Jance is the bestselling author of the J. P. Baumont and Joanna Brady series as well as other novels of suspense. She and her husband live in Seattle, Washington, and Tuscon, Arizona.

Witness Impulse, 61 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this novella from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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