Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Way of Hope by Melissa Fisher

Fisher's memoir is her account of how she came to be in the gay community and found a path of healing. She tells of her childhood, obeying the rules to gain acceptance, sexual abuse, keeping secrets, being wounded by Christian friends, PTSD from the abuse, being done with trusting God and embracing the gay life. But God did not leave her there. She came to the end of herself and found the new way to live.

I appreciate her insight about churches. They seem to fall into the categories of condemning or condoning when it comes to same sex attraction. She looked for and found a church that offered a way of healing and transformation. People were lovingly accepted as they came yet were offered the means and support for change. I really liked her insight from the story of the woman caught in adultery. Fisher writes, “...transformation happens only after the rocks of condemnation get dropped.” (158)

In the end, Fisher reminds us that being obedient to God is an ongoing struggle. One must fight to not believe the lies and do the work of believing the truth. I really like her honesty in relating her journey and what it means to others, including her interviews with her mother and previous partner.

I recommend this book to those who long for the life God desires and offers yet feel hopeless in finding it. You will be encouraged by this very personal and honest account of a woman in progress.

I also recommend this book to those in ministry or who are friends or family of those searching for what God offers. You will find good insights to walk alongside others on the way of hope.

You can find out more about the book and the author and read her blog at

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Melissa Fisher is on staff at Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. She previously spent ten years working as a high school teacher and coach.

Baker Books, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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