Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Deadly Proof by Rachel Dylan

I enjoyed this novel of high stakes litigation. I had no idea the huge teams legal firms put together for a big case. The amount of work that needs to be done is mind boggling. In this novel, our heroine, Kate, is lead counsel in a case against a huge pharmaceutical company. In the discovery phase of the work, her teams has to go through tens of thousands of documents.

I liked Kate. She really has a heart for those she is representing. People had suffered greatly from the side effects of a drug for migraines. Some had died from tumors believed to be caused by the drug. But as Kate pursues the case, problems arise. A potential informant is killed. Kate's life is threatened. She is sure the attorney's across the aisle are hiding damaging material. And then it seems someone in her own office is sabotaging her work.

This novel could well represent a story from today's headlines. There is big money in pharmaceuticals and the drive for profit might cause some to do unethical acts. There is big money for the lawyers too and they are tempted to cross the ethical line.

This novel has a good balance of character development, legal procedure, suspenseful action, and a hint of romance. There is also a good message about forgiving one's self for mistakes done in the past, accepting God's forgiveness too.

My rating: 4/5 stars

Rachel Dylan writes Christian fiction, including legal romantic suspense. She has practiced law for over a decade, including being a litigator at one of the nation's top law firms. She and her husband live in Michigan. You can find out more at www.racheldylan.com.

Bethany House Publishers, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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