Thursday, September 7, 2017

GodSpace by Keri Wyatt Kent

I've gone to retreats, expecting to be spiritually transformed. I've participated in classes and small groups, expecting to end up more like Christ. After having been a spiritual formation teacher and writer for years, Kent has come to realize that it is not those events that change us the most. Rather, it is what we do in daily life that forms us the most. Kent explores how she has come to have moments of encountering the holy, what she calls life lived in the GodSpace.

The first practice she writes about is Sabbath. I like how Kent explains that this practice is trusting God for provision. I like that Sabbath is so much more than rest. It is community. It is doing what brings us joy. It is time for life giving activities.

Next is hospitality, trusting God to provide resources to share. Hospitality is not entertaining but rather inviting people into God's space.

With insight and encouragement, Kent also writes about worship (opening ourselves to awe), simplicity (space in our soul), generosity (a healthy detachment so we are giving more then we are getting), gratitude (choosing to thank God), and critical thinking (facing doubts and questions).

That last practice is my favorite. Christians certainly need critical thinking in a world of spin and lying. I have seen too many Christians easily fall for the latest revelation or prophecy without testing it. And we are not to be afraid of doubt. “Doubt facilitates faith,” she writes. (161) Thinking through issues might be hard but the reward is a steadfast faith.

I really like that Kent gives personal and honest examples of these practices from her own life.

I recommend this book to Christians who desire spiritual transformation. You will find here good teaching on what Kent calls embodied spirituality, living our faith in our daily actions.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Keri Wyatt Kent is a lay pastor at Willow Creek Community Church and is the author of eleven books. She speaks at events and retreats around the country. You can find out more at

FaithWords, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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