Friday, September 15, 2017

Justice Buried by Patricia Bradley

I enjoyed this novel. It is another good romantic suspense from Bradley.

I liked Kelsey, the main character. She is an enterprising and talented young woman, and a superb rock climber. She is working to find the lapses in security for businesses. Not only is she great at hacking, she can also repel from rooftops and sneak in windows left open. What she does is not illegal as she is hired by the company to find their chinks. That's hard to explain to the police when a murdered man is found in a building she invaded. I also liked Brad, the cold case policeman who helps Kelsey. I like how a fledgling romance develops between them.

The plot is a bit complex. Artifacts have gone missing from a Memphis museum and Kelsey goes undercover to identify the thief. Her father had been accused of stealing from the same museum after he went missing decades ago. Someone tries to kill Kelsey and the suspense heightens.

There is suspense in the novel, especially at the end. Much of the plot is about museum work and I wish that aspect of the novel had been more enlightening. Bradley did present many red herrings and it was hard to know who the culprit was until near the end.

I do recommend this novel to those who enjoy a character driven romantic suspense. There is a little bit about Christianity in the novel but none of the characters appear to really rely on Jesus.

This is the second in the Memphis Cold Case series and you can read my review of Justice Delayed here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Patricia Bradley is a published short story writer and cofounder of Aiming for Healthy Family. She has been a finalist for the 2012 Genesis Award, won the 2012 Daphne du Maurier Award, a 2012 Touched by Love Award and an Inspirational Readers Choice Award. She lives in Corinth, Mississippi. You can find out more at

Revell, 384 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this novel from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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