Monday, October 2, 2017

If We Make It Home by Christina Suzann Nelson

I enjoyed this novel about relationship transformation and character development. Three women are thrown into an environment where facades are ripped away, hurtful events from the past are clarified, and prickly personalities are molded into a new level of friendship.

The first part of this novel got off to a slow start for me. It finally grabbed my interest about 70 pages in when the women head off to their wilderness journey. The following adventure was good and kept my interest. Prior to that, it just seemed like cranky women were getting together for a reunion. Perhaps a prologue, a vignette of the women in the future in wilderness survival mode, would have captured my interest at the beginning of the book.

A difficult aspect for me was the frequent change in point of view. The character through which the following events would be seen was named at the beginning of the section. But after a few paragraphs I found myself flipping back to find out again whose mind I was in. I found that frequent change in point of view confusing.

That aside, I enjoyed the character revelation and transformation the wilderness journey inspired. The three women had to learn to work together, to understand each other, and help each other survive. It was interesting to see how the past had influenced each one's views of the others. Some hurts and misunderstandings had to be overcome. That may never have happened except the women were in a life and death situation.

I do recommend this book to those who would enjoy a novel about relationship transformation in women fighting for survival. There could be some good discussions about what is really important in life. Discussion questions are included to help with that conversation.

You can read an excerpt here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Christina Suzann Nelson is a member of Oregon Christian Writers and ACFW. Her essays have been published in the Cup of Comfort series. She lives in Oregon's Willamette Valley with her husband and four children. This is her first book. You can find out more at

Kregel Publications, 272 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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