Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Master's Mind by Lance Hahn

I had high hopes for this book based on the title. We are told in Scripture to have the mind of Christ and I hoped this book would help me see how that happened. While Hahn does a good job explaining our identity in Christ and what that looks like, I was frustrated with a lack of practical suggestions as to how I help bring that reality to pass.

Hahn explains how our thoughts are powerful. “If we can master our minds and bring our thoughts into alignment with the Lord's will and perspective, the rest of our lives will follow suit.” (2) We are to align our identity with Christ's. We are to change our minds and follow His direction. We are to fight the enemy and the barriers he places in the way of our getting to the right mindset. Good so far. Just give me a practical strategy to do that.

Here are some examples of Hahn's suggestions. “If we have baggage from our pasts, we need to let the Holy Spirit sort it and throw out what we no longer need.” (91) Yet he gives no strategy, no suggested prayers nor Bible passages to use. “We need to pray and ask God for His wisdom to rule our thoughts.” (168) A good idea but no help with suggested prayers or other strategy.

He writes that we need to be so filled with the Holy Spirit that He forces out the evil. (175) He mentions the benefits of spiritual disciplines but pretty much leaves it up to us to figure out what they are and how to practice them. (181) The closest thing to a strategy I found was this: “God is not as interested in our getting things right as He is in our getting out of the way and allowing Him to make things right.” (170) So I guess I'll just get out of the way and let God work.

If you are looking for a good exploration of the importance of our thoughts and our beliefs about our identity, this is a good book for you. If you are looking for a book with practical suggestions on how to change your thoughts and conform them to Christ, you will have to look elsewhere.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

Lance Hahn is the senior pastor of Bridgeway Christian Church in Rocklin, California. His first book chronicles his struggles with panic disorder. He is a popular speaker who enjoys writing. He is married with two daughters. You can find out more at http://www.lancehahn.com/.

W Publishing Group (Thomas Nelson), 240 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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