Thursday, October 19, 2017

Whisper by Mark Batterson

Batterson suggests that our ears have been deafened to the voice of God. Learning to hear the voice of God is the solution to many of our problems. Hence this book.

I really like many of Batterson's insights. One was about the nature of whispering. When someone whispers, you have to get close to hear what is said. It makes sense that God would whisper to us, drawing us close to Him. Batterson reminds us of the importance of silence and the distraction of noise. No wonder we have been deaf to the whispers of God.

Batterson has the goal of helping us learn how to discern the voice of God in the ways He speaks to us. We all hear God differently as God speaks to different personalities in different ways. He helps us determine our unique whispering spot to hear from God.

The seven ways God speaks to us include Scripture (the final authority for all we hear), desires (we are to delight in Him), doors (tests to keep us from less than God's best), dreams (how to evaluate them and trust God), people (remembering that they and we are imperfect), promptings (discerning holy moments), and pain (perhaps speaking something that cannot be said any other way).

I recommend this book for anyone wanting to hear God speak. You'll receive good teaching on how to place yourself to hear the whisper. The book is very readable too as Batterson tells lots of entertaining and informative stories, like the history of vanilla.

Food for thought: “If you want to hear the heart of God, silence is key.” (16)

You can download an excerpt and watch a video here.

The book releases October 24.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Mark Batterson is the New York Times best selling author of more than a dozen books. He is the lead pastor of National Community Church, one of the most innovative and influential churches in America. He has a DMin degree from Regent University. He, his wife, and their children live on Capitol Hill. You can find out more at

Multnomah, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary ARC of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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