Thursday, October 5, 2017

Writing the Heart of Your Story by C S Lakin

Why would I, a book reviewer, read a book about writing a novel? This book has helped me to differentiate between a good novel and a great one. I now know all of the elements that make up a captivating novel. I also now know why I rarely give a novel five stars in a review. I now know the exceptional work it takes to craft a great plot and develop characters that are memorable. Many authors just do not bother with all that work.

A particular aspect of this book I really appreciated was Lakin emphasizing the importance of the first paragraph. Authors need to capture readers immediately. So many times I have had to slog through pages of the introduction of characters and settings before a hint of the plot was evident. If I hadn't made a commitment to the publisher or author to review the book, I would have quit reading it. Nancy Pearl, with the Seattle Public Library, suggests giving a book the number of pages equal to 100 minus your age. The older I get, the more quickly an author has to capture my attention.

I do recommend this book to authors and readers alike.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

C. S. Lakin is a novelist, copy editor, writing coach, mom, and more. She teaches the craft of writing at conferences and retreats. She lives near San Francisco. You can find out more at
Ubiquitous Press, 214 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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