Thursday, November 9, 2017

Ordinary Graces by Lucinda McDowell Blog Tour

Are you ready to receive gifts of ordinary grace and abundant life from God and His Word? Join Lucinda in focusing on one word a day through devotional readings and short benedictions in her new book, Ordinary Graces. God has given us many gifts, such as his grace-the gift we don't deserve and can never earn. Promises from the One who declares we are already loved, already accepted, already created in his image. The question becomes, will we truly receive that gift? Will the reality of it actually change the way we think and notice and reach out?

My review:

I appreciate the devotionals McDowell has written. They are solid teaching founded on Scripture. One of my favorites was based on Ephesians 1:7-8. I've pushed the hand cream pump and had it squirt way too much on my hands. McDowell did that and likened it to grace. Just like there was more hand cream than could be used, God offers more grace than we could ever need. He has lavished it on us. Another one of my favorites was on brokenness. We might mend pottery with clear glue but an ancient Japanese practice, called wabi-sabi, finds beauty in the imperfection, concentrating on the authenticity. What a good lesson on God using us in our imperfection.

I recommend this devotional. The devotionals are encouraging and instructive. McDowell uses a little Greek, but just enough to give us a good idea of the concept. She includes stories from her own life and the lives of others to illustrate her teaching.

I'm taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can read other reviews here.

About the Author:

Lucinda Secrest McDowell is passionate about embracing life - both through deep soul care from drawing closer to God, as well as living courageously in order to touch a needy world. A storyteller who engages both heart and mind, she offers "Encouraging Words" to all on the journey. A graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Furman University, Cindy is the author of 13 books, including "Ordinary Graces," "Dwelling Places," "Live These Words," "Refresh!," "Quilts from Heaven" and "Role of a Lifetime." Whether co-directing the "reNEW - retreat for New England Writing," mentoring young moms, or leading a restorative day of prayer, she is energized by investing in people of all ages.
Find out more about Lucinda at

Abingdon Press, 272 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Litfuse. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Litfuse.

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