Sunday, November 26, 2017

Renewed by Leigh Powers

This is a book aimed primarily at wives of ministers. Powers is a pastor's wife and she laments in the first ten devotionals as she shares examples of the hurts she has experienced. She is honest in her feelings. “God, I don't like you right now.” (6) She suggests we don't hide from God when we are angry at him. She wants us to pour our feelings, like she does. Then be silent and wait, she says.

The next ten devotionals are ones to help readers deal with the hurt. Powers writes about forgiveness, even when she doesn't feel like forgiving. “Choose blessing over bitterness.” (72) Then follows ten devotions on reorienting one's self toward God, with good teaching on worship, prayer, and hope. “You are the God who fights for me.” (107) The last ten devotionals encourage readers to love again, trusting God to heal the heart. “Don't give up on the church.” (138)

Powers uses her own experiences and passages from Scripture for her teaching. Each devotion has a personal story, Scripture example and teaching for reflection, a written prayer, and thoughts for further contemplation.

This book is for wives of ministers who have been hurt by people in the congregation. I had hoped the book would also be for those who volunteer in ministry but the text relates by far to paid staff, ministers and their wives. Laypeople and volunteers in ministry who have been hurt in a church experience may have difficulty relating to the specific slant of the devotions.

I do recommend this book to pastors' wives. You'll find honest expression of hurt and sincere and encouraging writing about healing, restoration, and continued ministry.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Leigh Powers is a pastor's wife and mother of three with fifteen years of full time ministry experience. She is a freelance writer, Bible study and devotional author, and a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She blogs regularly at and

FaithWords, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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