Tuesday, November 7, 2017

She's Got the Wrong Guy by Deepak Reju Blog Tour

About the Book:

The control freak. The angry man. The lazy guy. The unteachable guy. The promiscuous man. The unbeliever. The lone ranger. The unchurched guy. The new convert. The commitment-phobe.

For any woman who has struggled with failed relationships, this may seem like a familiar list. These are the men your friends and family have in mind when they think, "she's with the wrong guy." And while the reasons women choose these types of men are complicated and varied, ultimately, they will all let you down.
In She's Got the Wrong Guy, Deepak Reju offers a different kind of dating book, discussing the types of guys women should not marry and offering biblical reasons why they aren't suitable spouses. Writing from his years of experience as a pastor and counselor, Reju shares with women his perspective on how to assess a relationship's strengths from the beginning, how to identify possible pitfalls, and how to have the courage to wait for a relationship that will be a blessing for both of you. Using stories that single women can relate to and highlighting contemporary issues in the modern world of dating, Reju gives readers clear, biblical direction on how to have positive, life-giving relationships with members of the opposite sex.

With a strong, Christ-centered focus, women will better understand why they "settle" for less than what God intends for their romantic relationships and learn to put their hopes and find their happiness in Jesus, not marriage.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can read other reviews here.

My review:

This is a good book for Christian women who are dating or thinking about it. Women are under such pressure today that they often settle for the wrong man. Through examples of couples and teaching from the Bible, Reju explains how mistakes can be made in pursuing a husband and what women should be looking for in a man.

The bottom line of Reju's book is that we are to desire Jesus more than anything or anyone else. Marriage is only for this life, Reju reminds us, but our relationship with Jesus is for eternity. No thing nor person can satisfy our deepest need – only Jesus.

Reju looks at many of the “wrong” guys. He cautions women to avoid the control freak, the Christian in name only, the immature Christian, the angry man, and more. He really had good insights into these characters. I particularly like his chapter on the angry man. Anyone struggling with anger would benefit from the teaching contained within.

Reju also reminds readers of the role of the church in supporting singles and those dating. Young people frequently need wise counsel and I do not see the church fulfilling that role.

I recommend this book to single women and those desiring to help them through wise counsel. You'll be challenged to determine the condition of your heart and to whom you are looking for your happiness.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author:

Deepak Reju, MDiv, PhD, serves as the pastor of biblical counseling and families at Capitol Hill Baptist Church (CHBC) in Washington, DC, as well as president for the board of directors of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. He is the author of several books and articles, including "Great Kings of the Bible: How Jesus Is Greater than Saul, David and Solomon," "The Pastor and Counseling," and "On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church." Deepak and his wife Sarah have been married since 2001 and have five children. Find out more about Deepak at http://stores.newgrowthpress.com/.

New Growth Press, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Litfuse. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy for this post was provided by Litfuse.

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