Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Hope of Christmas by Jodie Wolfe, Terri Wangard, Linda Matchett Blog Tour

About the Book

Title: The Hope of Christmas  
Author: Jodie Wolfe, Terri Wangard, Linda Shenton Matchett
Genre: Historical Christmas  
Release Date: November 24, 2017

Picking a Bride for Paul
When Teddy Love’s neighbor and best friend breaks his leg, she pitches in to do whatever she can to help him on his farm. But when he enlists her aid in finding a wife, she comes to realize she has feelings for him.
Paul Baker follows his heart mother’s wishes by looking for a bride from the East who is refined and gentile, two qualities Teddy isn’t. When his potential bride arrives, he finds himself comparing her to Teddy. How can he go back and change things before he makes the biggest mistake of his life?

Typhoon Prompting
A destroyer escort is among the smallest of warships, but the USS Tabberer has the heart of a giant. A typhoon threatens the US Fleet in the Pacific during World War II, days before Christmas. The men of the Tabberer stand tall as they rush to the aid of their fellow sailors. For Seaman Jerry Collier, the typhoon prompts a greater awareness of what he wants in life. First, though, they have to survive.  

A Dr. in the House
Emma O’Sullivan is one of the first female doctors to enlist after President Franklin Roosevelt signs the order allowing women in the Army and Navy medical corps. Within weeks, Emma is assigned to England to set up a convalescent hospital, and she leaves behind everything that is familiar. When the handsome widower of the requisitioned property claims she’s incompetent and tries to get her transferred, she must prove to her superiors she’s more than capable. But she’s soon drawn to the good-looking, grieving owner. Will she have to choose between her job and her heart?
Archibald “Archie” Heron is the last survivor of the Heron dynasty, his two older brothers having been lost at Dunkirk and Trondheim and his parents in the Blitz. After his wife is killed in a bombing raid while visiting Brighton, he begins to feel like a modern-day Job. To add insult to injury, the British government requisitions his country estate, Heron Hall, for the U.S. Army to use as a hospital. The last straw is when the hospital administrator turns out to be a fiery, ginger-haired American woman. She’s got to go. Or does she?
Click here to purchase your copy!
My review:

This is an enjoyable collection of historical novellas. I found the quality of writing to be consistently good. One characteristic of novellas I dislike is the necessity, because of their shortness, to have a very quickly developing romance. Two of the authors cleverly avoided that by having their story as a part of a long standing relationship. I like that.

I recommend these stories for reading during the Christmas season. Each one can be read in an evening and contains a strong Christian message. You'll be entertained as you are taken back in time and experience well crafted characters and plots.

About the Authors

Jodie Wolfe creates novels where hope and quirky meet. She’s been a semi-finalist and finalist in various writing contests and is a member of ACFW. When not writing she enjoys spending time with her husband in Pennsylvania, reading, walking, and being a Grammie. Learn more at www.jodiewolfe.com.

Terri Wangard grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin, during the Lombardi Glory Years. Her first Girl Scout badge was the Writer. Holder of a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in library science, she lives in Wisconsin. Classic Boating Magazine, a family business since 1984, keeps her busy as an associate editor.

Linda Shenton Matchett is a journalist, blogger, author, and history geek. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, a stone’s throw from Fort McHenry, Linda has lived in historical places most of her life-from Edison, New Jersey (named for the famed inventor of the light bulb) and Washington, DC to Wolfeboro, New Hampshire (reputed to be the oldest summer resort in America). She volunteers at the Wright Museum of WWII and as a trustee for her local public library.

Blog Stops

Blogging With Carol, December 10
Genesis 5020, December 11
D’S QUILTS & BOOKS, December 11
Have A Wonderful DayDecember 12
MommynificentDecember 13
Inklings and notionsDecember 13
Jeanette’s ThoughtsDecember 14
Mary HakeDecember 14
The Power of WordsDecember 15
A Greater Yes, December 16
Texas Book-aholicDecember 16
Radiant LightDecember 18
Janices book reviewsDecember 18
Carpe DiemDecember 19
margaret kazmierczakDecember 21
Pursuing StacieDecember 21
Maureen’s MusingsDecember 22
Blossoms and BlessingsDecember 23
BigreadersiteDecember 23

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

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