Friday, December 8, 2017

The House on Foster Hill by Jaime Jo Wright

This is a good novel for readers who like edgy Christian fiction. This is not your cozy mystery. This novel deals with a tough issue and contains some harsh scenes. There were times when I was glad I was not reading it late at night.

The plot is complex and covers over a century of time. There are flashbacks which can be problematic but they fit in to the progression of the plot relatively well. The significance of the suspense that Kaine endures is explained fully at the end, when the villain is revealed. That took some doing as the relationships and reasons for action were obscure during the reading of the novel.

That being said, I do recommend this novel to readers who like suspense woven through a puzzling plot. You will learn some history (revealing the topic would be a spoiler), you'll experience some creepy scenes, and you'll enjoy a bit of romance.

Though Wright has crafted previous novellas, this is her debut full length novel. I am impressed with it and will be looking for more from her.

You can read a synopsis of the lot here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Jaime Jo Wright is the Publishers Weekly and ECPA bestselling author of two novellas, and a human resources director by trade. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband and two children. This is her debut novel. Find out more at

Bethany House, 368 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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